विश्वास- कविता faith- poem

Indian Bloggers




जिंदगी निकल गई खुश रहने की कोशिश अौर,

लोगों को खुश करने की कोशिश में।

दूसरों को खुबसूरती दिखाने अौर,

खुबसूरत दिखने की कोशिश में।

अब समझा आया, खुबसूरती अपने अंदर होती है।

अपने को पसंद करो अौर स्वंय खुश   रखो।

जीवन  की बदलती करवटें

सोंच पैदा करतीं हैं।

फिर लगता है ,

शायद ये, जिंदगी सीधी कर रहीं हैं।

बस विश्वास का ङोर थामे रखो।


41 thoughts on “विश्वास- कविता faith- poem

      1. Thanks for sending link of your post Sudhir. I appreciate your views. As writers, its our duty to talk about the less spoken topics. The equality and balance between men and women is the key of any successful society.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks Rekha. I share my posts with the right people who I believe are mature to understand different perspectives.
        As you would have noted, the response to this post was poor because people only like to read poetry and fiction.
        Many such sensitive topics yet to be written. A long post on depression and link to inter-personal relationships coming soon.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Welcome Sudhir , I liked your write up. Don’t get bothered about the response. In the begning it happens with everyone. Secondly new /sensetive topics may attract less readers.
        I will be waiting for your next post. Keep writing. 😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

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